Do you ever feel like you need to be a purist to really be healthy? This is a trait I'm working on eliminating from my personality because....it just never works out. Not for any length of time. It just isn't sustainable.
So I am trying to impart some of that newly gained wisdom to my kids at an early age. And vegetables come up a lot.
Most moms know that kids love to dip. So, if it takes a dip to make those veggies more enticing (for the kids or the adults)...go for it!
Lately we're dipping carrots, cucumbers and red peppers in Annie's Cowgirl Ranch Dressing. You can get product and nutrition info at
http://www.anniesnaturals.com/We're also enjoying Amy's Organic Salsa.
Just be sure to look for the most natural ingredients you can and avoid things like high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, msg, and mystery ingredients you can't pronounce or don't understand.
A great way to make shopping for these kinds of things easier is to seek out brands (like Annie's and Amy's) which generally produce healthy, organic products (but still read those labels- just in case!).