Tuesday, September 23, 2008

NOT a Sweet Surprise

Have you seen the new commercial claiming that High Fructose Syrup is "all natural" and "no worse for you than sugar"?

You can see the video here.

The Corn Refiners Association has spent $30M on this campaign to boost the reputation of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS).

Of course, you recognize that these commercials are an outrage. Based on those commercials, we should all be drinking other corn-based products, such as ethanol.

The Corn Refiner's Association doesn't want you to know that HFCS may be linked to:

Diabetes- Obesity- Liver Disease

Make no mistake- HFCS is not a healthy food! I would even argue that it isn't a food at all.

If you want to understand more about HFCS, the following are great sources:

Dr. Andrew Weil

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Christine Gonzalez

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